In the wake of Rahul Gandhi's start of political campaign in Uttar Pradesh (UP) for the upcoming assembly elections in the state; Mayawati the current chief minister of UP on tuesday introduced a new resolution to divide the state into four parts. She said that such division of the state will result in effective administration. Currently the state has 70 districts and Mayawati government is unable to control administration of such huge number of districts.
Rahul Gandhi on Monday said that the UP government is unable to run the state and that is the reason people from here go to Maharashtra and Punjab and start begging for jobs. In response to the statement made by Rahul Gandhi, ShivSena executive president Uddhav Thakrey quoted, "When we say it hurts and when they say it is fine". MNS chief Raj Thakrey also added, "Gandhi family is responsible behind such condition of UP and that Rahul Gandhi needs a tution".
The next day Mayawati government which has so far been unable to handle the administration in the state has proposed the division of UP into four parts with new states namely Paschim Pradesh, Awadh Pradesh, Bundelkhand and Poorvanchal. With the introduction of this resolution some parties opposed the resolution while some parties were in favor of the new decision. The resolution is yet to receive a green signal from the Central government.
The divide and rule policy is not a new thing in India. It has been followed since the British times. The British unable to stop the rising movement in Bengal against them decided to divide Bengal with two provinces with the eastern part known as East Bengal (now Bangladesh) and the western part known as West Bengal. It was not the only divide and rule policy applied by the British. They even created a rift between Hindus and Muslims; the effect of which can still be seen today. It had cost us the divide of India creating a new nation state Pakistan.
Now that time has changed, this decision taken by Mayawati is very intelligent.Firstly intelligent in terms of the forthcoming assembly elections gaining support of few parties for this decision who are currently against the Mayawati government. Secondly intelligent in terms of an effective administrator which she hasn't been so far. The division of Uttar Pradesh in real sense is a step towards welfare and development of the people living in that constituency. With this there can be individual attention on the states after division which will see more
urbanization; which in turn will benefit the people by providing them more employment opportunities. Not only this smaller areas to rule will help the people gain confidence in their government which is not possible with bigger areas. For example: currently Uttar Pradesh is the second largest state of India. But if we talk about the developed cities of Uttar Pradesh we see hardly 2 to 3 names in the list with Lucknow, Noida and Kanpur. In contradiction if we consider Maharashtra we can find many developed cities like Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, Pune and Nagpur.
A simple point to explain whether this division is justified or not is peeping in your own lives. Nowadays, most of the families prefer to stay in nuclear family rather than joint family. The reason is very simple: If you stay in nuclear family you will have less expenses and you'll concentrate only on you, your partner's and your heir's expenditure rather than contributing on the expenses which is not related with your family. Moreover you will have a peaceful life and not have the tensions of a joint family.
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