India!!! A country where even non-living things are worshipped such as instruments of a craftsmen, weapons of a soldier, where a new computer when bought home is welcomed by performing rituals, where we borrow and lend things in times of need, where teachers are considered second parents of students, where a guest is given the position of a god. Yes this represents us. We are Indians.
From centuries India has been a favourite place of everyone be it invaders, learners, artisans, travellers and so on. This clearly states that India has always been a country where every single person would like to visit. What makes India so special? Is it we people? Or is it our tradition or culture? Well, all of these contribute to make India a special nation. It is a country where mothers will not eat unless they feed their children, where wives will not eat unless their husbands do not return from work, where there are fights between brothers and sisters but we still celebrate Raksha Bandhan and Bhai Dooj. What makes us so different?
Our nation is considered as Cradle of Civilization. It is the birthplace of many religions of the world. We have also accepted other religions and many religions have flourished in India. It shows that we respect other religions and will always continue to do so. Many things in this world are given by an Indian. The numbers 0 to 9 has been given by an Indian. The master of politics “Chanakya” gave the world his thought and today many of his thoughts are used in military and management systems throughout the world. On 11th September, 1893 during a session held on World religion in America, Chicago Swami Vivekananda started his speech with “Sisters and Brothers of America” after which there were claps for 2 minutes and thus he made the world bow to his knowledge of religion. Our very own Mahatma Gandhi the universal leader for peace is followed by world’s strongest man. Most importantly we have a great potential to sustain in any situation. Throughout the history we have witnessed this. Many invaders starting from the Greeks, Ghaznavids, Mughals and finally British have invaded India throughout the times but we all have shown them a great sustainability. We are a peace loving nation; we have never tried to invade other’s independence. We are always contended with what we have. We have always avoided violence and still we are doing so. We try to maintain friendly relations with our neighbours and we are very eager to help anyone who needs us in their times of difficulty. We have always refrained from doing violence even in our hard times. Our independence is one such example.
Today India is emerging as a global leader in the world in the field of science and technology, economics, education, human development and so on. The world is seeing India as a key to success in many fields. Many Indians today are working in world renowned companies and institutes. NASA has a majority of Indians working in their research centre. IBM and Microsoft are the largest employers of Indians.
To be frank about India’s way of living I can say that we are a nation where a Sikh Prime Minister belonging to Congress government led by an Italian woman was sworn in by a Muslim President and he was given over the responsibility of office by a Hindu man.
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